Although not without difficulties of interpretation, these experiments establish a case for presynaptic changes lasting for at least several hours.
Early experiments at the Menninger Foundation had established, however, that some yogis could lower their heart rate and breathing almost to nil.
In the next few years many clinical experiments established the effective use of drugs to suppress immune responses.
Government agencies regulating new products often demand specific experiments and data to establish safety.
It was particularly annoying because secret experiments on new robots had not yet established any definite characteristic that was peculiar to robots.
Incidentally, you may read somewhere that Bell's Inequality and related experiments on photo polarization teleportation establish something along the lines you're thinking.
Their experiments with oriental glazes established that the blue in celadons was due to iron and not copper as had been thought.
His microsurgical experiments established the existence of such a substance, a hormone.
His experiments established that electricity was the hidden force nerves used to control the body.
Notably, Dr. Korsmeyer's experiments established that blocking cell death plays a primary role in cancer.