They see the idea as a Republican ploy to win a House majority and say it would sacrifice valuable expertise by forcing experienced legislators to retire.
Longer terms, especially on the City Council, would yield more experienced legislators.
State Senator Donald Halperin, an experienced legislator from Brooklyn, says he would focus his attention on overseeing city agencies.
"And that will allow this district to have an experienced legislator who could affect change, make laws and bring home needed resources."
Papa Owusu-Ankomah can lay claim to being the most experienced legislator among the senior members of the Party today.
So much seat trading and cross-endorsing for various offices has occurred that experienced legislators hold highly favorable odds for City Council seats.
With experienced legislators flowing through a revolving door, power could pass from elected politicians to unelected and virtually permanent staff employees.
For experienced legislators like him, a compromise, even for less than half a loaf, is progress, and there is always enough credit to go around.
Furthermore, freshman representatives are not so effective as experienced legislators, because they must learn the ropes of legislating.
Also, he's an experienced and fair-minded legislator.