The main character of the series, an experienced inspector at the organization that solves financial crime files.
As soon as they restart from the starport, they realize that it will be difficult to cheat a more experienced inspector in the future, so that the offog must disappear from the inventory.
Michelin said it has stationed five full-time experienced inspectors in New York, not all French, but all well traveled, including one who had lived in Japan.
The aviation agency, struggling to cope with the growth in air travel, is short of experienced inspectors.
The only way to determine whether that is the case, he said, is for the buyer to hire an experienced inspector to conduct tests to determine whether either system is being used by another property.
One inspector said his first experience came at a Manhattan high school, where he joined five other novices working under the supervision of another, slightly more experienced inspector hired weeks earlier.
During training, cost estimators usually work with an experienced inspector.
You have mechanics that falsify documents," said one experienced inspector who spoke on the condition of anonymity, "and overlook things that are obvious to them because they are afraid of reprisals from their bosses.
Led by a highly experienced inspector, this seminar will explain the new framework in detail and provide step-by-step guidance to help you plan for the next inspectors' visit.
This particular lumber was white pine, and I knew the inspector was thoroughly schooled in hard woods but not a competent, experienced inspector on white pine.