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"You know perfectly well that some horses are completely unpredictable and can give even the most experienced horsemen trouble managing them."
Heston, an experienced horseman, took daily three-hour lessons in chariot driving after he arrived in Rome and picked up the skill quickly.
As an experienced horseman, Matz was also aware of a more harrowing statistic.
They were skilled and experienced horsemen in the mountains, and their equipment was superbly good.
Tall, stoop-shouldered, with a face weathered by sun and wind, he could have passed for any ranch hand or experienced horseman if he had not been in a monk's habit.
Dr. Lawrence is an experienced horseman.
Other riders said a more experienced horseman might have braced himself better or reacted more swiftly when his mount balked at a three-foot-high jump.
Therefore, it is important to learn from an experienced horseman, and to practice bandaging before keeping bandages on for long periods of time.
The inexperienced laborers of Zaragoza could not stop several hundred well armed and experienced horsemen.
Had Viridovix been a more experienced horseman, he would have known better than to set a fast pace downhill through snowdrifts that hid the ground below.