I'm saying that, whatever his social failings, he's an experienced detective with a good track record and I need more like him not less.
An experienced detective, he understands immediately the murder case at Hitaka's house isn't going to do any good to him.
As an experienced detective, he knew the signs, physical and psychological, and had never observed them in his son.
Welfare staff overruled an experienced detective who said the tot should stay in care.
Traditionally, more experienced detectives cut their teeth at divisions and then moved into the crime squads.
Yoshioka, an experienced detective, investigates the murder of an unknown woman in a red dress.
"Mr. Gray tells me that you are a very experienced detective?"
You're an experienced detective, and that's what you have to be with her.
He had twenty minutes to elude an entire squad of experienced detectives and get to the park.
Emerson was an experienced and talented detective and he knew that people sometimes tell the truth.