So a year and a half ago, with no experience producing films, she set out to make a documentary about Queensbridge.
In his Confessions, he admitted that the experience eventually produced a decreased sensitivity to pain over time.
The concurrent experience of all other men with ours, produces assurance approaching to knowledge.
Unquestionable testimony, and our own experience that a thing is for the most part so, produce confidence.
I had not the time to consider whether the same experience on the part of another experimenter would produce the same results.
Win or lose, the experience has produced a binding spirit for the community.
Remarkably, this experience has not produced a swing to the right so much as a gathering toward the center.
This incredible experience produced a profound impression on him, and convinced the young Robert to continue his studies in order to become a doctor.
A terrifying or traumatic experience can produce long-term and generalized effects.
It is common, by the way, to assume that such an experience produces a feeling of guilt, but it did not do so in me.