In most cases, affected individuals experience intense sharp pain and paralysis of muscles around the eye.
He experienced facial paralysis, memory lapses and, perhaps worst of all, a complete loss of confidence.
During a fall, a person with myotonia congenita may experience partial or complete rigid paralysis that will quickly resolve once the event is over.
The man experienced partial facial paralysis and has not recovered completely, Dr. Falcon said.
They can also experience muscle control problems, paralysis, and hallucinations.
Half of stroke survivors experience unilateral paralysis or weakness, and approximately 30-60% of them do not regain function.
In the spring of 1970, after a lengthy trip to Brazil, Stanisław experienced a stroke and partial paralysis.
Kathleen experienced partial facial paralysis, slurred her words and drooled.
As with other victims, she also reported feeling weak and experiencing partial paralysis of her legs.
Although individuals with the condition may experience paralysis of the affected areas that lasts for months or years in some cases, recovery is usually complete.