One of the candidates is Tim Leiweke, whose experience closely parallels Checketts's.
And my experience there paralleled his in an eerie number of ways.
Presumably the Joads' experience parallels that of countless migrant families.
Experts at those centers said their experience of working with sexual abusers closely paralleled that of the staff at Jemez Springs.
The effect is so gradual that it can't be fully felt until the film's ending, but finally the audience's experience parallels that of the film's central character.
And I wanted an Irishman because the Irish experience in Australia in some ways paralleled the Aboriginal one.
He said New Jersey's experience paralleled trends across the country.
I felt a shock of recognition, since her experiences and feelings paralleled mine after my mastectomy at the age of 63.
But Kanyinda clearly felt a deep affinity for someone whose experience so closely paralleled his own, and who, like him, would be facing daunting challenges in the months ahead.
Questions About Extrapolation This estimate of risk presumes that the experience of home-dwellers will parallel that of miners.