For example, an adult who experienced neglect or abuse in infancy would expect similar behavior from others who remind them of the neglectful or abusive person from their past (often a parent).
These social-pedagogical facilities provide a temporary new home for children and youths who come from dysfunctional families and have experienced violence, abuse or neglect.
As a result of such exposure, these children experience or are at high risk of experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse; harm; or neglect.
Oakes does not expect for these cuts to threaten the wildlife on the refuges directly, but she is worried that the refuges will experience neglect without proper staffing.
Because of its location in Southeast Washington, Congress Heights had experienced great urban neglect for several decades.
Children experiencing neglect often suffer from malnutrition, which causes abnormal patterns for development.
Children who have experienced neglect are more likely to have attention deficits and poorer academic achievements.
Furthermore, nearly half of the serial killers had experienced some type of physical and sexual abuse and even more had experienced emotional neglect.
However, an arrangement in Norway allows citizens who have experienced neglect or mistreatment by failure of the state to apply for "simple compensation" (an arrangement is not subject to the statute of limitations).
During her childhood she experienced abuse, neglect and rejection and subsequently was afflicted by many psychological problems as a young adult.