Oil persisted for only a few weeks along the exposed rocky shores that experienced moderate to high wave action.
Now I am experiencing moderate to severe muscle pain in my back , neck and shoulders.
Roughly a third of the untreated adults who had experienced moderate to severe reactions as children had similar reactions to later stings, compared with one in 20 treated adults.
In one study, 51% of the patients experienced moderate to marked improvement in their fibromyalgia symptoms.
Low-cost areas like southern New Jersey have experienced moderate to rapid growth because the dollar values are better.
Other rivers and streams in the Rock River valley experienced moderate to major flooding as well.
Guadeloupe experienced moderate to extensive damage on the island of Basse-Terre Island.
It experiences moderate to gusty winds during day time and gentle winds at night.
Similarly, women who had experienced an acute coronary event were three times more likely to experience another coronary event if they experienced moderate to severe marital strain.
Patients who are experiencing moderate to severe distress may require a referral to a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or pastoral counselor.