During long-duration missions, astronauts will often experience isolation and confinement.
No other living human population has experienced such long-lasting isolation from contact with other groups.
Adults in this age group are more likely to experience social isolation.
For most Conjoiners, waking to experience such isolation would have been a profoundly disturbing experience.
During the Steffey case, it was discovered that 128 women had experienced strip search, naked isolation or related treatment between 1999 and 2007.
As they died, the artist experienced mounting isolation and painful awareness of his own mortality.
On the other, they often experience social isolation, because they can no longer understand their friends, who cannot communicate effectively with them.
While students with other disabilities may experience isolation and bullying by their non-disabled peers, they often share a common language.
The film shows mixed race children experiencing racial harassment and isolation as a result of their skin tones.
Its patchy, fragmented distribution makes it likely to experience isolation and extirpation of small populations.