Some retrospective data suggest that the experience of the treating institution may impact the outcome of patients with stage III nonseminoma.
But that experience was so impacting for me that, that poem was born.
This experience profoundly impacted his life and his writing.
Durrant's experiences with the firm impacted not only his law expertise but also his personal integrity; Durrant established several rules for himself regarding legal proceedings.
This personal experience of the war and in particular of resistance fighting impacted Melville's formative year and has an influence which can be seen in his films.
His personal experiences with them impacted his art in both style and content.
This experience impacted him tremendously and helped shape a strong, disciplined work ethic which translated into successful careers in both professional baseball and football.
This experience deeply impacted her life and spirituality and the theme of Spirit baptism became integrated into her magazine and her teaching.
Misconstrual of future events When predicting how an experience will impact us emotionally, events which have not been experienced are particularly difficult.
Reidhead's experiences in Sudan deeply impacted the core values that would later guide his life.