At the end of 2010 and into the next year the state experienced widespread floods.
The original town of Butler was subject to frequent flooding, experiencing major floods in 1867, 1886, 1901, 1902, 1916, 1924, and 1940.
For instance, Poland experienced numerous floods in 2010, during which many bridges were closed and road travel was significantly disrupted.
These areas could experience floods followed by droughts in coming decades.
Numerous rivers experienced at least 500-year floods, causing extensive flooding.
The town experienced major floods in 1877 and 1990, contributed to by extensive deforestation of the steep surrounding region.
The town has yet to experience floods.
En route home, she stopped in Uruguay, which was experiencing disastrous floods.
And for those who have experienced floods before, a major question looms: Stay put or sell and seek safer ground?
Sacramento experienced several severe floods prior to construction of the bypass.