"We understand," he said, "there will be some folks that are experiencing flashbacks from war days."
Regina Walsh said she had recalled the rapes after experiencing "flashbacks".
He starts to experience flashbacks so momentary and fleeting that they are gone before his conscious mind can seize them.
He then experiences flashbacks from three years ago and the last two days.
Still other times, it caused several individuals to experience emotionally charged flashbacks, pulled from their subconscious.
Afflicted with post-traumatic stress, he would experience flashbacks and bad dreams for the rest of his life.
The war has left him with emotional scars, and he experiences flashbacks on a regular basis.
Some people experience flashbacks, reliving a bad trip weeks or even months after it happened.
In the meantime, Liz is experiencing flashbacks of the true events in the hole.
She was sleeping only four hours a night, experiencing nightmares and flashbacks.