Some women experience emotional disturbances associated with their menstruation.
Though much of the interdimensional activity took place in the front, the back was experiencing disturbances of its own.
In Jamaica most areas of the island experienced serious strikes and disturbances.
They experience an aura - visual disturbances, dizziness, numbness, language difficulties - minutes, hours or even a day before the pain begins.
Ecosystems that experience disturbances that sever undergo primary succession.
Twenty nine percent of these patients were reported to still be experiencing peripheral sensory disturbances after therapy had been discontinued.
For some, recent violence in the city's poorest neighborhoods echoes the 1970's, when Newburgh experienced disturbances in the streets and in the schools.
The communities that experienced more disturbances and resource availability achieved higher establishment and abundance of invaders.
This is most commonly used in the analysis of piping, ships, or building structures which experience wind, water, or seismic disturbances.
Some women suffer primarily physical symptoms and others experience mainly emotional disturbances of varying types.