In particular, Northern Ireland and Scotland have experienced considerable structural and locational disadvantage in the post war period due to industrial restructuring, a lack of inward investment and an inability to generate sufficient indigenous employment.
This research and advocacy is also seen in the series of reports on people experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation in Australia.
It undertakes research, delivers services and advocates on behalf of people experiencing disadvantage.
The Brotherhood supports families experiencing social or financial disadvantage.
Through his journalism, Tipping was a vocal advocate for people experiencing disadvantage, in particular for people with a disability and their families.
The founding organisation behind The Choir was managed by Reclink, a not for profit community organisation that provides sport and arts opportunities to those experiencing social and economic disadvantage.
But I feel dismay, sorrow, for so many people in our country who do not share this personal good fortune and who as a result of further years of Tory government will experience further disadvantage.
The farmers who have changed their practices to comply with EU requirements should not experience financial disadvantage while those who flout the changeover reap the economic benefits.
Stream 2 & 3: These job seekers are experiencing moderate and significant disadvantage (respectively).
RecLink is a national organisation that provides access to sporting and recreational opportunities as a form of social therapy for people experiencing social and economic disadvantage.