His experiences during the previous two weeks combined with this functional derangement to drive him to the brink of brain-wreck.
The visual experience combines hypnotic beauty with a sense of excruciating pain, making it difficult to watch.
These two experiences combined to inspire the creation of GlobaLearn.
This annual experience combined the wonderful and the horrible in more or less equal measure, and Wayne loved it.
This experience combines theater, non-formal education and historical research.
Mr. Niemeyer's own experiences combined the suburban and urban teaching environments.
The museum also features exhibit areas that provide experiences for all age levels to combine science facts and learning through play.
But his training and experience have combined to give him a view of the world that is truly international - spiritually as well as geographically.
His practical experience as a farm manager combined with socialist, "single-tax," and Slavic communal ideas shaped his world view.
Infinite knowledge and experience combine into a single form.