The friction caused much turmoil for the Blazers and was indicative of the struggle many black athletes experienced across the league during the 1970s.
The Eastside did not suffer from the rapid white-flight experienced across the river.
Users benefit from having more tools to help them on and more places and contexts to experience the Guardian across the internet.
Most children experience multiple risks across contextual levels for there is great importance in family environments.
Since 2000 the "world experienced an unprecedented house price boom in terms of magnitude and duration, but also of synchronisation across countries."
By the end of 2005, Sega experienced strong earnings growth across multiple divisions.
We are experiencing a state-sponsored prohibition policy across the board, designed to train people to change their behaviour.
Research shows that the situation in my own state of Ireland mirrors the problem experienced across Europe.
He is taken to a medical facility after experiencing weird lights across his vision.
This administrative reorganisation was a response to the rapid population increase experienced across the territory, especially during the preceding decade.