This distinction is important because the presence of the latter parasite does not require expensive and potentially harmful therapy.
Many experts have called for more careful evaluation of expensive new therapies to help control soaring health care costs.
Without pressure from their insurers, patients have little reason to choose older treatments over expensive new therapies.
Marie, however, insists on putting Hank into expensive physical therapy.
Insurers are usually requiring "step therapy," in which patients must try the less expensive therapies first.
But Ms. Tanner wanted to know whether less expensive therapy at home would work.
Such patients use more expensive therapy and medications in the first days, he noted.
If they'd actually seen you, they'd have been having fits, followed by lots of really expensive therapy.
It's a matter of figuring out which patients may do well with it, in part because it's an expensive therapy.
"But the ads direct them to the newest most expensive therapy, which isn't always the best."