There are no gas pipelines or big power plants, the sort of expensive infrastructure that Vietnam will need to produce power for its expanding economy.
Without the need for expensive fixed infrastructure such as tracks and overhead wires, the flexibility of the road going buses has been their ultimate success.
But now you're talking a seriously expensive infrastructure.
Housing, emergency services, medical, and educational needs require expensive infrastructure, including transportation, personnel, education, and technology.
I'm not a Communist so yes- stealing expensive infrastructure is stealing- no matter what you call it- nationalization, whatever.
And in the long term7 It's taken a lot of expensive infrastructure to provide you with all of these safeguards.
Given the right incentives and environment, the private sector can also mobilize the capital necessary for expensive infrastructures and services.
That's why there's a growing gap between expansion and progress, and the resources needed to build expensive infrastructure.
It is not yet clear how such expensive infrastructure would be paid for.
The expensive infrastructure works led to the city becoming bankrupt in 1817.