But its expenses that year increased $36.1 million over 1988.
But in 2005, she earned at least 10 percent less than the year before, while her practice-related expenses increased.
Total costs and expenses in the first quarter increased 3.6 percent, to $661.4 million from $638.6 million.
But at the same time, its expenses increased because production costs were higher in the improved space.
On top of that, their monthly expenses would increase.
Yet during that period, expenses increased from $80.5 million to $139.9 million.
But total expenses, at $2.9 billion, increased 11 percent from the first quarter of 1990.
It also said that expenses had increased significantly during the year.
In his first year, expenses increased to $2.9 million from $1.9 million.
Revenue and expenses increased about 1 percent from the third quarter, the bank said.