Day-care expenditures now total $99 million in the state.
Military expenditures total about 13% of the national budget.
By 1958, expenditure on education totaled at $4 million.
Earmarked expenditures totaled 13 percent of the central government total.
She said her salon's weekly expenditures total roughly $22,000.
According to the preliminary findings, the challenged expenditures totaled $48,191 over three years.
Final expenditures for the land and development of the park totaled approximately $32 million.
The annual expenditures for the library collection totals $8,000,000.
Total expenditures for the district for the 2009-10 school year totaled $ 93,091,000.
The accounting office, an investigative arm of Congress, said the combined expenditures totaled $61 billion in 1989.