In practice, the issue of new currency in the United Kingdom is geared towards meeting the expenditure requirements of consumers.
(iii)Needs equalisation : a component aimed at equalising differences in the expenditure requirements of different local authorities (Bennett 1982:3).
Every year the state Education Department sends out letters to any school that is within 5 percent of its minimum expenditure requirement.
"Four years ago, on average, school districts were spending 29 to 30 percent over their minimum expenditure requirement," Mr. Brewer said.
Not only would this activity not count against any contribution limits or independent expenditure requirements; it would never even need to be reported
Mr. Giuliani wants nearly $1 billion in aid or reduced expenditure requirements from the state.
"In view of these increased expenditure requirements, I would say the chances of a tax cut are remote," he said.
They should be based on a realistic assessment of expenditure requirements, for the period to which they apply, neither too high nor too low.
Exacerbating the problem is the possibility that the state may order New Haven to add $2 million to its education budget to meet minimum per-capita expenditure requirements.
The identification of expenditure requirements (for example, repairs and improvements) and the basis for making the accrual.