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Last year's expenditure pattern will play a particularly important role in this.
But isn't there a, a different expenditure pattern between the rich and the poor?
Although we can look at expenditure patterns in a number of different ways three main points are evident.
This will have an effect on consumption and expenditure patterns.
So their proportionate expenditure patterns are going to be reduced.
According to Boaden (1971), party control clearly affects expenditure patterns.
Earlier influences on their expenditure pattern (family etc-become less important.
These cultures have gone through a major change such that the use of credit is now an accepted feature in managing personal expenditure patterns.
Therefore, new expenditure patterns are allowed to show up in the deflator as people respond to changing prices.
Ideally, in computing an index, the weights would represent current annual expenditure patterns.
Expenditure patterns should relate to outputs rather than being characterised by a list of resource inputs.
Dissaving was reported as a typical response to deficits, for households with normal income and expenditure patterns during the depression of the 1930s.
In mid-life however, these expenditure patterns begin to level off and are supported or perhaps exceeded by increases in income.
Consumption smoothing: under this approach individuals develop a target expenditure pattern, generally far before retirement, that is intended to remain level throughout their lives.
Recent approaches to inner city renewal have relied very heavily on institutional innovations and tighter targeting of expenditure patterns.
The income sources and expenditure patterns of the government sector are reported in official statistics (see Fig. 12-1) but are not widely appreciated.
The theory behind this approach is that the GDP deflator reflects up to date expenditure patterns.
Table 11.1 shows the nine suggested stages of this life cycle, and analyses some of the changing income and expenditure patterns across these stages.
"If it turns out that our more recent data on expenditure patterns show that the number allocated is too low to maintain services," she said, "we'll make an amendment."
Expenditure patterns will shift to services instead of goods: education, arts and entertainment, leisure, communal activities and personal development will all play a bigger part in our lives.
The information which is available highlights the importance of disaggregating household-based data on incomes and expenditure patterns and looking at the consequences for the individuals within those households.
We then evaluate expenditure patterns between the foreign location and Washington, D.C. to establish an overall cost index, which may be adjusted biweekly for exchange rate fluctuations.
In addition, the revised index will reflect a more current geographic distribution of the population, with expenditure patterns of consumers in the South and Southwest gaining in importance.
From households' expenditure patterns it is possible to deduce how much indirect and intermediate tax is paid, and there is a straightforward entry of the direct taxes each family pays.
For our purposes, however, enough has been said to describe how the institutional setting can cause expenditure patterns of local authorities to deviate in the direction indicated by empirical work of Gramlich.