Always ask whether your card will be accepted before incurring expenditure.
In addition, no other person or political party may incur expenditure to promote a candidate.
All the additional expenditure incurred here can be financed from the budget approved for the 2000-2006 planning period.
It will include such items as charitable grants and expenditure incurred on the administration of the charity.
The next two items refer to actual expenditures incurred, rather than estimated nominal needs.
This figure falls well within the financial margin of expenditure not incurred for withdrawals.
All expenditure incurred by individuals during 1 year .
One of the reasons to prefer this type of marriage is low expenditure incurred in the process.
The change applied to any expenditure incurred in accounting periods ending on or after this date.
You should confirm with the hotel, restaurant, etc. that they will accept your card before incurring expenditure.