In early 1918 the expedition force departed Russia via Murmansk.
Grant permission for an expedition force to enter another country or to allow another country to send their forces to Mexico.
Once out of the city the expedition force assembles.
It is a story of a Roman expedition force on the Elbe river.
Instead, he personally led an expedition force to put down the rebellion himself in December 1764.
In early 1756, he sent an expedition force to Manipur to "instill respect".
The new king Bagyidaw sent an expedition force of 25,000 (3,000 horses) in October 1819.
December 1895, left Cape Coast with an expedition force.
Along the way, Liang people joined their course and the expedition force burgeoned to over 100,000 when they surrounded the capital.
Letelier's expedition force has been scattered in small garrisons through every town across the Peruvian mountains.