The semi-scientific expeditions commissioned and financed by the Society of Dilettanti remained a benchmark: these represented the first attempts to rediscover Ancient Greece.
He traveled to Lapland in 1695, joining an expedition commissioned by the King, for which his mission was to study nature, the mountains in particular.
The town was founded in 1779 by Francisco de Viedma, an explorer leading a Spanish expedition commissioned with colonizing Patagonia's shores.
On 21 December 1599, Pieter Both, with Van Caerden as vice-admiral, led an expedition commissioned by the Brabantsche Compagnie, founded by Isaac le Maire, to the East Indies.
The entrance hall contains recreations of items collected by Lewis and Clark on the cross-country expedition commissioned by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
Forsskål was asked if he wanted to join a Danish expedition, commissioned by the Danish King Frederick V, to the Middle East.
"Because while you command the Henry Morgan, I command this expedition-an expedition commissioned by your boss, Jerry, and one that I'm sure he'd want to continue."
Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo's 1542 expedition, commissioned by Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza, was the next to reach the area sailing via the Pacific Ocean following the coast of the Baja California peninsula to a point beyond 40 North latitude.
That expedition, commissioned by the French Academy of Sciences, consisted of nine Frenchmen and two Spanish naval officers (who may have been along to keep an eye on the Frenchmen, since most of South America was then a colony of Spain).
He headed an expedition commissioned by Napoleon III to collect Mexican art and artifacts, later exhibited at the Trocadéro Museum in connection with the Exposition Universelle (1867).