The expedited process pleases clients, though it is sometimes hard on the lawyers who break the Rules.
Congress is to consider such recommendations under an expedited process that limits debate.
"This enables Enron's creditors to realize value from the company's power and pipeline roots through an expedited process."
The expedited process is necessary, however, given the compressed timeframe to achieve 100-year level of risk reduction in 2011.
This is an extraordinarily centralized and expedited process, one that a decade ago would have seemed so unnatural as to be impossible.
Federal law allows generic drug producers to use an expedited process to get approval.
He said the application for tax exemption identified two reasons a group could apply for the expedited process.
"We want to make this a very expedited process," Ms. Cronheim said.
I made the request - and everyone concurred - that this be an expedited process.
This expedited process is something that the White House has the authority to implement in extreme circumstances.