Provides for the expedited consideration by Congress of specific requests by the President to reduce discretionary spending in appropriations legislation.
Congress voted last month to allow the automatic renewal of President Bush's authority to negotiate such pacts and submit them for expedited consideration by Congress.
The bill also provides for expedited consideration by the House and Senate of the joint resolution of the other House.
The law provides a procedure for expedited consideration in the Senate.
The bill calls for a vote on Sept. 16, 1991, and expedited consideration of the results by Congress.
That provision allows a President to negotiate a trade agreement and submit it to Congress for expedited consideration with no amendments allowed.
Any legal challenge to his use of executive privilege would have to work its way through the Federal courts, although it would probably receive expedited consideration.
The House then narrowly approved an Administration request to be allowed to submit the trade agreement to Congress for expedited consideration with no amendments allowed.
Meanwhile, owners of properties on the protected-buildings list would be entitled to expedited consideration.
Provided expedited consideration for authorization in the latter case.