Approved methods are listed in the Code of Federal Regulations after publication in a final rule or as part of an expedited approval.
Developers of the two new plants have asked state officials for expedited approval of their proposals without public hearings, state officials said.
The carrier has further abstained from displaying official markings of Taiwan on its aircraft, and received expedited approval of international landing rights as a result.
In return, developers can get expedited approvals for their projects, which otherwise involve long legal entanglements.
Two of the suspects did not have passports, but had applied for expedited approval.
The company received input from the F.D.A. during clinical trials and expedited approval of manufacturing and packaging even before today's approval.
In 2012 the site began to offer expedited approvals to librarians that added their American Library Association member number.
Representatives of Share Your Home, another organization receiving expedited approval after Hurricane Katrina, could not be reached.
People who are sick and dying should not have to depend on political pressure and favoritism to get expedited approval of medications.
But most importantly, it is America's workers who are clamoring for the expedited approval of this important project.