Jeez-I'd expected to walk into a room of programmers and give a shoptalk on network security.
In most cases it is the property of elders of the Kandi, who are expected to feed and give shelter to visitors.
Though not statute law it functions as statutary guidance which professionals are expected to follow or give a good reason and rationale for not doing so.
The resulting bill before parliament is expected to reduce rights of appeal to one tribunal and give more discretionary power to immigration officers.
The robot looked at his own hand in confusion as though he thought he was expected to detach it and give it to me.
If someone comes looking for trouble, you are expected to decline his or her offer and give that person a chance to back off.
He's expected to play the first quarter and then give way to Ken O'Brien, who will play the second quarter.
He is expected to pry open the fortress and give consumers and health care providers more information about how the agency makes decisions.
Older, more experienced members were expected to take beginners under their wing and give them support.
The friars were still expected to pray for the Emperor's life and give their blessing on ceremonial occasions.