The Shadow had expected further results from that victory, but they had not come.
A fellow craft is further expected to know and explain a masonic embrace called the five points of fellowship.
The local economy is further expected to boom with the completion of the road under construction which is to link Isoka and Chama positioning Muyombe as a focal point for business.
Stella looked startled, as if she had expected further disapproval.
As the authors point out, this isn't that helpful for developing the skills that are expected further down the career path, since scientific publications don't emphasize these things.
It is expected further local groups representing the Maynooth line as well as others will be formed.
He had expected further questioning before being admitted to a special interview.
He was a respected admiral at the end of his career and had not expected further appointments.
Other treasures are expected to surface and heat up the market further.
As the authors point out, this isn't that helpful for developing the writing skills that are expected further down the career path.