Some charge membership dues or expect members to share the cost of the group's expenses.
I would expect members of the Ethics Committee to ask for a full investigation.
What would the citizens expect members of this department to do, other than to react to a murder that took place right in front of them?
"If you are expecting friends or members of your iamily to join you I will be happy to wait until they arrive."
We expected members of Congress who have strong convictions on how to approach this problem to weigh in, and we expected editorial comment.
Several longtime government observers said they expected members of the cabinet to have far more latitude than those under Mr. Clinton.
For example, he expects members of the firm to return all calls promptly, and to pick up their phones after the first ring.
"Did you expect members of the Federation all to be human?"
But who expected members of a noble house- hold to act like a couple of headstrong brats?
A spokesman for ScotRail said it did not expect members of the public to "take matters into their own hands".