Expect a long day of rugged driving from Yakutsk, around 800km to the west, if you plan to pay homage to this mercury marvel.
Go there with a toddler, as I did recently, and you can expect a day full of lessons in fragility and frustration.
A first group of 1,000 had been expected last Thursday, a day after the Cairo agreement was signed.
President and Mrs. Bush acknowledged that in 1992 or 1993 or even the beginning of 1994, they never expected a day like this to come.
Like Egypt, the country is expecting a "day of rage" tomorrow.
Traders had not expected a busy day going into the weekend and with next week to be shortened by Good Friday.
Strategists were expecting a post-election day that, at least in Democratic quarters, would be more vigorous, or even venomous, than the weeks before.
"You can't expect a day like that very often," Wallie told him.
Mr. Ricchiuto does not expect a slow day today, even though the trading session is shortened.