At the same time, however, he took up the panorama camera, producing expansive horizontal landscapes and views of Prague streets.
I've come to think it's just as likely I am remembering an expansive landscape conjured by the books themselves.
Two works from the late 1950's feature expansive landscapes and rather small but prominently placed figures.
This Montreal artist makes expansive, glowing landscapes in egg tempera on plaster surfaces.
The gameplay consists of controlling a tank through an expansive, outdoor landscape.
The 28mm wide angle capability lets you easily capture large groups of people indoors or expansive landscapes from a wide, dynamic perspective.
Images captured by 44 artists range from closely cropped portraits to expansive landscapes.
"I loved the whole road trip aspect of the work, driving through this great expansive landscape on open and almost empty roads," Georgiou writes.
The choices for exploring these idyllic waterways and their expansive landscapes are becoming ever more plentiful, and this tour from Bales is one of the best.
This format, which Patiner is widely acknowledged as popularising, provides a bird's-eye view over an expansive landscape.