Instead of an expansive flat main deck, there were eight identical mammoth, freestanding, spherical tanks rising out of the hull.
Think of a ship with expansive decks and a close-knit crew.
The expansive open-air deck was obviously positioned to afford a congenial view of the jungle-as much as the fog would allow.
I remember sitting on Erma's expansive deck, surrounded by buckets.
Bandoni envisions being able to haul a 60-foot trimaran with a 51-foot wing span onto his boat's expansive deck.
With its expansive back deck, exposed-brick kitchen and finished basement, the house was still $500,000 less than comparable properties in brownstone Brooklyn.
The lubricated chatter out on the expansive wooden deck is about the latest mobile phones, the boss, the property market or the Deck's first-rate coffee.
This expansive deck was still unfamiliar.
Mr. Post asked one afternoon relaxing on the expansive deck.
With an expansive 20-foot-by-50-foot deck, it has room for the large family that congregates there all summer long.