The expansive collection of materials also includes new and classic movies, music and audio books in multiple formats.
Several of the characters in Busch's expansive new collection of short fiction might make the same claim.
If so, ditch the outdoor activities and head to the Heard Museum where, for $7 admission, you can see an expansive collection of Indian art.
As commented on LaMontagne's website, the new album "proves to be his most creative and emotionally expansive collection to date."
The second disk, "Arbos," is a more expansive collection.
Besides, he added, to be a success, the museum has to have an expansive and impressive collection.
A 10-foot-long island has shelves for Ms. Seymore's expansive collection of cookbooks.
Brassieres dangle from a stuffed moose head and there is a juke box with an expansive collection.
He began to gather an expansive collection not only of aircraft and aviation-related technologies, but also collecting related documents and memorabilia.
Organized by Diane Neumaier, a photography professor at Rutgers, it draws on works from the museum's expansive collection.