His main excuses for delay at this point are the White House's slowness in producing witnesses or documents or its use of outrageously expansive claims of executive privilege.
Several months after the conference, Nehru ordered maps of India published that showed expansive Indian territorial claims as definite boundaries, notably in Aksai Chin.
It is not clear how many of Mr. Mohammed's expansive claims were legitimate.
Mr. Clinton should also drop the expansive claims of executive privilege that are designed to shield his aides from testifying fully.
While expansive claims have been made as to its extent, expert reports conclude that such estimates cannot be relied on.
According to Landy, the former makes expansive claims on the applied value of EI, while the latter is trying to warn users against these claims.
One senior US naval intelligence officer has suggested that the mission of China Marine Surveillance is to "harass other nations into submitting to China's expansive claims."
For example, Microsoft has asserted that the government proposal made expansive claims for the increased competition it says would come from a breakup.
Nationalist historians made expansive claims to the territory of these ancient "Korean" kingdoms, by which the present state of the minjok was to be judged.
More than six weeks have elapsed since the White House began invoking what you correctly describe as "outrageously expansive claims of executive privilege."