Yet he was powerfully affected by Wagner's advanced harmonic language and radically expansive approach to rhythmic flow.
The most expansive approach belongs to Ben-Zion Dinur.
Ashton, built his credentials on an expansive approach.
In the orchestral interludes, his expansive approach reminded one that Berg lived in the same centuries as Brahms and Mahler.
Boies and Olson are happy with this expansive approach.
Some competitors believe Disney is well on its way to mastering the more expansive approach that will characterize the separate Walt Disney brand.
Such an expansive geopolitical approach of the EU would create more tension and conflicts worldwide.
Hence the more expansive approach, which on one level seems a triumph of common sense.
As a museum director and curator, Gould has been noted for her commitment to distinctive programming and an expansive interdisciplinary approach to exhibitions, education, and public outreach.
On civil rights laws, Judge Roberts recommended against an expansive approach to enforcement.