The increasingly expansionist tendencies of the kingdom led to the enlargement of its realm to the east.
Fears that an increase in Chinese spending is being used to implement long-dormant expansionist tendencies should not be ignored, but neither should they be overdramatized.
As the United States' foreign policy began to develop expansionist tendencies, citizens adapted the "Black Legend" in order to exploit it for political purposes.
They showed no expansionist tendencies whatever.
The Praetorian empire will often become a very formidable rival due to their expansionist tendencies and peaceful nature.
The two regional giants had tolerated Paraguayan independence, partly because Paraguay served to check the expansionist tendencies of both opponents.
We cannot allow the Arctic to become the new arena for Russia's expansionist tendencies.
There are a number of reasons why we have no use for expansionist tendencies Delors-style.
The problem is to find a convincing argument for local ethical scepticism which has no expansionist tendencies.
Territoriality, for example-humans, Divians, and other races of our approximate intelligence level all have at least some expansionist tendencies.