Google was flush with cash and expanding wildly in different directions.
"Growth, that's a scary word," he said, citing the grim record for airlines like People Express that collapsed after wildly expanding in the mid-1980's.
That does not mean, however, that he is ready to expand wildly.
Doors open wider to friends, relatives and business associates, and guest lists expand wildly as even nodding acquaintances are asked to drop in.
Seeing the future in his little tabulating-machine company, he invested lavishly in research and expanded wildly, even in the face of the Depression.
They paid extravagant sums to lure new staff and expanded wildly overseas, jumping into markets that made others very wary.
Several network executives said they were trying to resist the urge to expand wildly the number of reality-based formats.
It's his largest work yet and expands wildly on the archaic wind instrument concept he explored in "Tuva" a decade earlier.
Most companies expanded wildly when paper prices started to soar in the mid-90's.
Two small, brilliantly shining masses of light appeared near the Cokaz 1, expanding wildly to all sides.