But analysts also said that the problems at Frontier had mushroomed recently as the company swiftly expanded into new markets.
A globe of blue-violet gas was expanding swiftly in all directions, some two hundred miles in diameter now.
Earth was already far behind, and the awesome wonders of the Jovian system were expanding swiftly before him, when he had his revelation.
Behind them the Ekhonide ship became a tiny sun swiftly expanding in all directions at once.
Its lower end transformed into a disk, which expanded swiftly and silently.
Her vocabulary expanded swiftly, and the two of them chatted late every night, sitting side by side on the straw pallet.
During the next seventy-odd years, powered by dynamic forces, America would expand swiftly and aggressively.
It is home to a swiftly expanding industrial quarter, which includes both major artificial fertilizer and petrochemical factories.
But that black cloud on the western rim expanded swiftly.
From these three bases the Franciscans swiftly expanded to embrace the principal towns of England.