The Hurrians were the first to establish Urbilum and expand their rule to the rest of northern Mesopotamia.
After this victory, the Burmese tried to expand their rule in other parts of Assam.
The behavior of the Taliban during the six years they expanded their rule in Afghanistan made a mockery of that claim.
He refused to accept the title of Emperor though he expanded his rule to the peninsula.
He expanded his rule to Thessaly and Medieval Thessalonica.
On their way back from Italy they expanded their rule over Pannonia.
He expanded his rule over the Cilician plains and even to the Mediterranean shores.
The Dutch were used by the Sinhala king to take revenge on the Portuguese who wanted to expand their rule.
Later, he expanded his rule into Buddhist regions across the Indus River.
He sees him as no lover of democracy but as a man who tried to expand his rule, and failed.