The vital activities of society expand markedly.
The use of an ecological metaphor markedly expands the potential sphere of inquiry for communications and media research.
Peer-to-Patent attempts to improve the patent process by markedly expanding the prior art search.
He should expand the program markedly, rather than attempt to cripple it.
Peer To Patent attempts to improve the patent process by markedly expanding the prior art search.
Proponents conceded it did not markedly expand bars on legislative hiring.
It was after he emerged from prison - an experience he declines to talk about - that he markedly expanded his restaurant business.
And researchers continue to expand markedly the industry's tools and potential.
Wireless and satellite networks expanded markedly during 2008-09, and totaled over 1.5 million in March 2011.
Robert and Elizabeth owned Bedervale for almost 50 years and during that time the property expanded markedly.