Hellishly dense high-pressure gas expands explosively into the vacuum of space, driving the ship forward.
At the moment of impact, the user explosively expand their muscles, causing the power of the attacker's assault to backfire.
The pen wiggled in Cube's hand, then expanded explosively.
What happens when that gas expands explosively and comes rushing out its natural outlet is not something to use as a lead item in your coverage.
So time expands explosively in their vicinity, and we call them thyme bombs.
The country remained a modest net creditor until the 1980s, when its creditor position expanded explosively, altering Japan's relationship to the rest of the world.
Once a bubble does begin to grow, the pressure due to the surface tension reduces, so it expands explosively.
The clap of thunder is the result of the shock wave created as the superheated air expands explosively.
The nearly instantaneous heating during the return stroke causes the air to explosively expand, producing a powerful shock wave that is heard as thunder.
When the pressure is released by digging around, it may expand almost explosively.