"You don't have to acquire a taste for exotic, rich sauces."
In all, the ordinary ingredient we all grew up with was transformed into a glistening, almost exotic sauce, one that latched on to that cauliflower as if the molecules had fused.
The menu was extensive, and the chef specialized in exotic original sauces and marinades to accompany typically southern meals.
In the tiny kitchen where Ms. Shange pours the coffee, cookbooks and bottles of exotic sauces line the shelves, testaments to the author's passion for cooking.
While Peter poured his soul into his exotic sauce for the shrimp, his kitchen help quietly mutinied behind his back.
So there it sat for three days in our trash can, collecting coffee grounds, mayonnaise, leaking ketchup, and all manner of other exotic sauces.
Dinners include a range of gourmet salads, grilled meats and fish with exotic sauces, and there are appetizers like tequila lime prawns or mussels in chipotle cream.
The deli offers a variety of sandwich wraps ($5 to $7) and premium chocolates, exotic sauces and fine wines.
He bent to his dinner: meat in an exotic sauce which he couldn't place, Sirik champagne, ataloka au semil . . . luxury piled upon luxury.
In addition they found a moneymaker in an exotic, aromatic sauce of decomposed fish innards.