Ilse liked the exotic, oriental, provocative odors.
A medley of untraceable exotic odors was wafted through the twilight.
The stink of sweat mingled with the more exotic odors; most of the miners were none too concerned about their grooming.
Their scented smoke was spicy with the exotic odors of frankincense and myrrh.
The kitchen was swirling with exotic odors when Harlan arrived.
He listened, but no sound came from within; only thin wisps of smoke drifted lazily from beneath the door, bearing a curious exotic odor unfamiliar to the Cimmerian.
It was like a disorderly tack-room, smelling of saddle-leather - except that the air was also heavy with some dry exotic odour, dense and sensual.
She brushed against him, and the faint scent of her perfume made his nostrils twitch with the faintly musky, exotic odor.
The store was cool and dark inside, a welcome relief from the hot, bright street, and it was filled with exotic odors.
The tea is marked by its exotic odour and flavour.