Record numbers of exotic insects are invading Los Angeles County and threatening California's $16 billion-a-year farm economy.
Caterpillar: An exotic insect who gives Alice a piece of hallucinogenic mushroom to eat.
Deanna entered the office and again marveled at the cases of exotic insects, all pinned, labeled, and preserved.
Flere-Imsaho said, its yellow-green fields extending from its tiny casing like the wings of some exotic insect.
The camera stared down at him expectantly, as if he were some exotic insect under a glass.
Beautiful macro pictures of exotic insects by Rundstedt Rovillos.
It filled one end of the large, sumptuously decorated room, like the cocoon of some vast exotic insect.
This must be done in a lab, he said, since parasites and predators of most exotic insects are not usually found in this environment.
McCoy looked at him, emotions flitting behind his pale blue eyes like some kind of exotic, alien insects.
Insect City houses the more exotic insects, such as beetles, praying mantis, stick insects and giant millipedes.