She had changed outfits since the last time I saw her, probably to fit in more with the exotic garb favored by the party-loving vampires.
The streets were full of brown people in exotic garb, and it made him miss Moscow.
There was music and dancing, rich fare, a river of wine, and the whole of society shewing off its most exotic garb.
Dressed head to toe in white silk, his exotic garb was enough to make the usually unflappable Jupiter Jones stare in wonder.
The reference points quickly fell together for him; the exotic garb, the age, the deference with which she was treated.... That's Lady Elspeth.
In 1817, a young woman (Phoebe Cates) appears in the English countryside, wearing exotic garb and speaking gibberish.
Here his blue jeans were seen as exotic alien garb.
Eyewitnesses, got up in exotic garb and serious wigs, talk to the camera with a motley of accents.
Relieved of his message, Teca noticed for the first time their exotic garb and grease-covered faces.
Iraz is a cosmopolitan city, and the folk are used to exotic garb.