His Daimler in the car park made the kind of statement he usually tried to avoid and stank with exotic fragrance.
Jane stared at him, open-mouthed: the exotic fragrance faded away.
It was fed by a sweet-scented oil that threw an exotic fragrance through the room.
Whatever you're looking for in a flower - beautiful form, vast array of color, exotic fragrance - roses offer it.
Paths in the main garden lead to cleverly designed vantage points that permit the eye to scan the whole as the nose inhales dozens of exotic fragrances.
The thunderous roar of rushing water pounded in her ears and the exotic fragrance of Kantarian orchids tickled her nose.
The group has also begun harvesting other exotic fragrances from trees for soaps and salves, always taking care to replace what they take.
Turkish Delight - The exotic fragrance and flavour of roses covered with milk chocolate (Yellow with Red).
An exotic fragrance rose from masses of trees, shrubs, and blossoms, and silvery fountains tinkled.
Compelled by a force greater than himself, he leaned down and inhaled her exotic fragrance.